
I sent a pitiful e-mail to the director of admissions for AISL this morning: "I am anxious to hear the good news. Any word on status of the twins' acceptance into first grade? I am so nervous about this, I am having trouble sleeping, so put my mind at ease as soon as you can."

Pitiful, right?

I am happy to report that just before lunch, he relieved my suffering. Two spaces had opened up in the first grade, and Elizabeth and Nathan (and Dane) start tomorrow! Woo-hoo!

I celebrated by yelping out loud and jumping into the pool. Literally.

This whole process has felt a little like sorority rush. Will they like me? Will they accept me? Will they let me in and teach me the secret handshake? I feel like I have been allowed into an exclusive club. I feel validated. I feel like I might actually belong here. I feel ... GREAT!

I think I may go back downstairs and jump in the pool again. It is a beautiful day after all.


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