
As we drove to the airport on Thursday, on our way to Houston for a quick trip to restock and recharge, I realized something. I was going to miss this place! Lagos is starting to feel like home. Lagos is home. The streets and faces feel familiar and comfortable. We have a routine and friendships, a flat that we love and, of course, we have each other.

Houston is home, too. It always will be. So now we are lucky enough have two homes. Two places in this world where we belong. But even with two homes, there is only one place in the world where we could come home to this...

Big red chicken sighting! Thanks, Cindy, for cheering some very tired travelers.
It was such a kick to turn the corner on our street and see this waiting for us on the lawn!
How did we get to be so blessed? 


  1. Because you guys are pretty special people. Love you!

  2. Awwwww...so glad you enjoyed having a visitor in your yard! You were her first official engagement, and I love that she brought y'all some Texas cheer. Much love to you guys!

  3. Sush - just saw that today is the annivesary of Princess Di's death. Which means that...wow, 14 years ago, we were tooling around Florida for your bachelorette party. Now look at you...you're all grown up! Love keeping up with you guys via this blog. Miss you still.

  4. HI Susan, glad you made it safely back to Lagos! I am finally having a minute to check out your blog.:) Congratulations on getting into AISL!!!:) Yeah!! also. love your daughter's name:) BTW, love the mask you bought!:)

  5. oops...sorry Susan..meant to sat safely back to Houston....you know what i mean.:)


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