Maybe a little *too* involved?

Ever since Small World ended, I've been bored. Well-rested, yes. But still... bored.

So I keep saying 'yes' every time someone asks me a question:

"Do you want to go to coffee this week?" Yes.

"Do you want to tie-dye scarfs at the Nike Art Centre?" Yes.

"Are you ready to shake your bum-bum?" Yes! (This while learning to dance to the Batá drum.)

Me, shaking my bum-bum.
Photo credit: Chilli Padi Mama
"Do you want to take over the Adopt-a-Marine program?" Sure! (Hey, who WOULDN'T want to adopt a Marine, wink, wink. I assured hubby I was just in it for the philanthropy.)

"Do you want to go to Zumba?" Yes.

"Do you want to try some Indian thosai/dosa?" Yes. (That's next Monday... I'll report back.)

"Can you bring nibbles to tomorrow's coffee?" Yes. (Oh, wait... tomorrow? What was I thinking?)

And most recently... "Will you serve on next year's Small World committee?" Heck, yeah. Sounds like fun.

For a moment, I wondered... Am I stretched too thin? Am I taking on too much? Am I nuts? This thought crossed my mind this afternoon while I pondered whether I should take my second nap of the day, or start drinking now. D'ya see what I mean about bored? I think I can handle a few new commitments.

I want to DO something. I want to be busy. I want to be out there. I want to make new friends. I want to learn Spanish. I need to start exercising again. I want to dye my hair hot pink. I wish I could play the piano. Or SOME instrument...

My point is, I'm ready. I'm ready for "living in Nigeria" to stop being my full-time job. Because it was. For a while. And that's to be expected. But with my one-year anniversary looming in the horizon, I am ready to look outside myself and my home and my family, and start embracing what's next, whatever that may be.

"Kind of exciting isn't it?" 



  1. hooray! you are inspiring me. well, not to actually do anything...but just to start thinking about it.

  2. OOOO dye your hair pink that sounds like fun - I'm in!! to help you that is :) When are we going to do dinner again? You should add that to your "to do" list!

    1. I haven't decided if I want streaks, a fade, or a full dye job. I've got three months to think it through since no one is touching my hair except Mario at Estilo Salon in Houston this summer. What would you do?

  3. HI,
    we recently contacted you to have your blog featured at; please let me know if you are interested,

    My e-mail address is


  4. Susan - Are you getting the comments? You look great in the photos! I have to say - a 2 nap day doesn't sound too bad.

    I'm ready and willing to help with the Adopt a Marine program too! My guest room is now empty - Lindsey and Bailey moved to Austin last summer.

    Let me know who's on his way!


  5. I am, Deb! My apologies. In my mind we've been having a conversation, but seeing as you can't read my mind, you of course had no way of knowing. I will be sure to gift wrap a Marine just for you. ; )

  6. Thank you, Malte. I am working on my questionnaire now.


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