110 vs. 220.

What happens when you plug a 110-volt appliance into an 220-volt outlet? A quiet little "pop" issues from said appliance as circuits fuse together, and it is relegated to the back of the closet. You're supposed to plug your American 110-volt appliances into a transformer or "step-down," but if you forget—like my husband, cable guy and steward (all men) have—pop!

Rest in peace, dear coffee maker, Wii console, printer and vacuum.

The latest victim: This brave maker brewed its last drop during brunch last Sunday.
We never even got to taste its last pot.
Reports of Wii's death have been greatly exaggerated.
Thanks to an external power source, he is happily humming along with a new plug.
We barely knew ye, printer/fax/scanner.
The circumstances of this vacuum's demise are mysterious, but I suspect 220v.


  1. this post made me laugh out loud...too funny!!!:)

    1. Thanks, Meredith! Glad to have a fellow blogger following me. I'm guessing you have a graveyard of appliances out there, too. Sigh.


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