So what do the kids think?

Me: So what do you guys think about moving to Africa?

Elizabeth: I'm scared.

Me: What are you scared of?

Elizabeth: The zebras.

Me: Don't worry, Elizabeth, there won't be any zebras where we are going to live.

Elizabeth: Ok. Then I'm excited about riding the unicorns.

Nathan (impatiently to Elizabeth): You can't ride the unicorns in Africa or anywhere, because they're not real!

Me: This is true. So, Nathan, what do you think about moving to Africa?

Nathan: (thinking) I don't want to walk very long or ride in an airplane.

Me: Well, we are going to have to ride in an airplane.

Elizabeth: I wish we could take a bus the whole way.

Me: You can't take a bus across the ocean. Buses don't float.

Elizabeth: Boats float.

Me: Yes, but boats take a long time. And guess what? You'll have your very own TV on the airplane!

Dane: A Batman TV?

Me: Uh... sure!

Nathan: Is there a remote control?

Me: No, but the TV is so close you can just reach out and touch it!

Nathan: Really?! Is this a jet?

Me: Yes.

Nathan: I've never ridden in a jet before. (to his brother and sister:) Jets are the ones with a pointy nose.

Me: Dane, what do you think of moving to Africa?

Dane: You're an Africa, mister!

Me: Whatever you say, bud.

And that, dear readers, is exactly what the kids think.


  1. You're an Africa! Love it.

  2. hahaha! i love dane! he is so cute! haha elizabeth wanted to ride on the unicorns... strange but that sounds like her

    -kennedy rae

  3. your a bench.

    it's a good thing this is anonymous.

  4. Yes, Robert, it is a good thing your comment is anonymous. ; )


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